The Laboratories for Mass and Solid Density are responsible for the National Standards of Mass and Solid Density, providing the following additional services: 

  • Dissemination of the unit of mass, solid density;
  • Calibrations;
  • Participation and coordination of international laboratory comparisons;
  • Technical support for legal metrology.

Mass Laboratory has International equivalence for 

    • Calibration of mass standards from 1 mg up to 10 kg. 

In phase of International equivalence recognition. 

    • Calibration up to 1 000 kg. 

For Solid Density it is planned to obtaiInternational equivalence. 

kilograma, symbol kgis the SI unit of mass.

It is defined by taking the fixed numerical value of the Planck constant h to be 6.626 070 15 × 10−34 when expressed in the unit J s, which is equal to kg m2 s −1 , where the metre and the second are defined in terms of c and ΔvCs

Derived unit of the International System (SI)  


kilogram per cubic meter (kg/m³) 



The traceability is assured by the regular calibration of the National prototype kilogram, copy nº 69 at the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). The participation in EURAMET comparisons allows the quality verification of the standard calibrations of multiples and sub-multiples of the kilogram.

Solid Density

The traceability is assured by national standards of the mass laboratory and a silicon sphere calibrated in PTB (Germany).

External Document:

Mise en pratique for the definition of the kilogram in the SI

International equivalence 

Internationally recognized (peer-reviewed and approved) Calibration and Measurement Capabilities (CMCs) for calibration of mass standards from 1 mg to 10 kg. 

Isabel Spohr

Tel.: +351 212 948 173


João Abrantes

Tel.: +351 212 948 170


João Gargaté

Tel.: +351 212 948 358
