The Metrology Museum of the Portuguese Institute for Quality is collaborating with NADL – Nautical Archaeology Digital Library, based at Texas A&M University, since the beginning of June 2020.
The Nautical Archaeology Digital Library mission is to be a community and a space where archaeologists from around the world can share their experiences and exchange information with their colleagues, as well as with a wider public. The second objective of NADL is to increase the visibility of nautical archaeology and emphasize its social importance.
NADL started in 2006 as a digital library of artifacts gathered in the domain of Nautical Archaeology. It originally drew its materials from the collection of artifacts gathered from the “Pepper Wreck”), in Portugal, as well as the extensive archives collected at the J. Richard Steffy Ship Reconstruction Laboratory (ShipLAB), during field studies over the past two decades.
The project started as a collaborative effort of researchers from the Texas A&M University’s Center for the Study of Digital Libraries (CSDL) and the ShipLAB and is supported by a NSF grant (IIS-0534314).
The project has the collaboration of many dozens of researchers from around the world. The participation of the Metrology Museum arises from an invitation sent to the responsible of the Museum, António Neves, by one of the coordinators of the project, Prof. Filipe Castro, in order to contribute, as an Associate Researcher, with historical information in the field of metrology, namely the History of Portuguese Metrology.